Frequently Asked Questions

Why shouldn't you? We're in a very privileged position to be able to jump out of planes on a regular basis, add an extra 10 pence on top of your jump ticket and do your part to ensure that the sport we all love isn't furthering the damage done to our planet.
The first step to reducing CO2 in the atmosphere is to emit less. However, switching to lower CO2 emitting processes requires changing the entire system to work on alternative fuels, which may be expensive and not even feasible. What can we do now while we work to reduce our carbon emissions over many years? We can contribute to climate solutions that can protect the planet today through carbon offsetting.

Carbon offsetting is compensating for carbon emissions that you cannot reduce or avoid today. You recompense for the CO2 you emitted today by contributing to offset projects that remove or avoid an equivalent amount of CO2. According to scientists studying climate change for decades at IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), life on earth cannot survive an increase of anything beyond 2o C or 3.6o F and large-scale carbon removal right now is imperative to saving our future. Carbon removal must go hand-in-hand with emission reduction to have a sizeable environmental impact.
Carbon offsets and removals are mechanisms to reduce the total carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon removals are when CO2 is sucked from the air and stored for a long time through natural means (like trees) or technological processes (biochar, direct air capture & many more). Carbon offsets are when CO2 emissions are avoided or reduced through natural (avoided deforestation) or technological processes (landfill gas capture). Both essentially mean that the total amount of CO2 released into the air is lower than what would have been had such mechanisms not existed.
All offsets are registered and tracked by generally accepted and reputable organizations in the voluntary carbon markets and verified by third parties. Gold Standard, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the American Carbon Registry (ACR), and other internationally recognized organizations ensure the quality, accuracy, and integrity of the offsets.
We have metrics on the carbon emissions emitted for a large set of commonly used jump planes, we can then calculate your individual carbon offset required to be a carbon neutral skydiver.